Thursday, May 23, 2024

Heartfelt Tribute, No Memory Recall, Toastmaster Family Feud - not a morning for ragamuffins at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Gail started us with a beautiful invocation in the Christian tradition.

TM Marie introduced us to various aspects of Memorial Day Observed tributes.  We learned that...

* TM BeckyJo's father was a Pearl Harbor survivor; her veteran uncle spent the rest of his life keeping the Pearl Harbor memory alive.  Patriotism is paramount. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* DTM Jim D. observes flag protocols and Memorial Day is a very emotional time for him.
* TM Zanya uses 3-day weekends to connect with friends and family and indulge in midnight chocolate binges.
* I, TM Ana, recalled a very moving ceremony in Fort Lauderdale Cemetery where our former TM Jerry Newcombe delivered a moving speech (in 100 degree weather on the shady bleachers)!!
* TM Pam revealed that her father was also a Pearl Harbor survivor and her grandfather was a Rough Rider with Teddy Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War and is buried in Arcadia, Florida, just because he happened to die there!
* TM Randolph strongly believes it's our duty to honor those who fought for our country and to observe a moment of silence at 3 pm on Memorial Day Observed.
* TM The Tom observed that we enjoy privileges won by men who died so we could have them, and movingly recalled a good marine who died in VietNam

Regarding prepared speeches...

* DTM Mary Helen shared with us that as we age, memories become more precious and one of the 7 ways to preserve them is to share them with other people, hence our tendency to repeat ourselves.
* TM Paolo described the ultimate Toastmaster Family Feud he and his wife engaged in which had a happy ending in 2 different Districts and told us the difference between a presentation and persuasion, ie Cicero of Rome who got accolades and Demostenes of Greece, who overcame stuttering to lead multitudes to battle.  Let's march!

As far as evaluations are concerned...

* TM The Tom praised DTM Mary Helen for her clear presentation which was interrupted by an internet power out and asked her to please stop dancing the rumba when she speaks.
* TM Jose noticed that TM Paolo wore casual clothes to differentiate with his speech contest video where he was dressed to the hilt - as he usually is - and how he tied historic orators to the benefits of Toastmasters to overcome fear of public speaking.. in dry pants!  He Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was

a person, typically a child, in dirty scruffy clothes.

Example:  Celebrities and influencers expensively dress as ragamuffins.

Here is the link to the recording

See you next week!

Ana I.
Recap Writer

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