Thursday, January 26, 2023

Spanish Sayings, Agile Philosophy and Starting Over - an unknackered meeting of EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

Our morning started with a linguistic twist - the Word of the Day (knackered) derived from The King's English and Table Topics translated from their original Castellano.

DTM Mary Helen offered food for thought and we ingested big morsels...

* TM Pam wolves down a PBJ sandwich for lunch before her husband and daughter have finished asking each other what will lunch be.  She loves them anyway.
* TM Astrid takes people's looks personally and finds their attitudes toward self-image to be completely passive-aggressive.
* TM BeckyJo fully concurs that it's getting out of hand - completely, unabashedly, decidedly, purposely.  It's outrageous.  Pay attention cubed.  If only we knew what IT is.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Chris 'fessed up that we can count on her for whatever - except when she's not there.  She loves being invisible.
* DTM Jim D. retired because employees were testing his patience.  Now, his Harley club members seriously need penmanship lessons to avoid testing his patience.
* TM Paolo is getting out of the psychological swamp by taking a different approach to life in general. It's all about new directions Puglia/Rome/Miami.
* Guest Paula stays calm and focused on her yoga mat by listening to her breathing and clearing up worries from her stream of consciousness during Downward Dog.
* I, Ana, use ambiguous statements to avoid pointless arguments that prove to me, once again, that I'm always right.

Then came the prepared speeches, which resulted in an unprecedented tie...

* TM Maria introduced us to the Agile Philosophy, which allows us to wear the prom dress of our dreams while spending lazy afternoons on a tire swing.  She Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Aleta reinforced the point that instead of waiting for exes to come to their senses, we must come to our senses and chop wood and clear brush as needed.  She Won Best Speaker Award.

Regarding evaluations...

* TM Paolo marveled that customers want Prosecco for the price of Chianti and really enjoyed the Agile value generation and collaboration provided by La Gioconda (Mona Lisa) by way of TM Maria.
* TM Randolph praised TM Aleta's speech enhancement - her red blouse under the black jacket added the finishing touch to demonstrate a successful post-divorce life in rural Pennsylvania.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was

from British English, jolly good!
Very tired or frustrated
To kill, tire, exhaust or wear out

Example:  King Charles seems quite knackered in the leadup to his May 6 coronation.  The Knackerer's name is Redhead Harry Rotter.

Half the club is leaving for Buenos Aires, Indonesia and parts unknown.  The District and Area officers are presumably already there.  To be or not to be: That is the Contest!!

Next week, bring along your hat collection to the meeting!

See you then,

Recap Reuter

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