Dear Members, Friends and Guests:
TM Aleta led us in very original, zany "What Else Could This Be" visual table topics. We corroborated that some of our members are quite sadistic.
* TM BeckyJo sees a harmless chair as a torture device to off the elderly under the guise of Yoga, Pilates and the like. If you're over 80, don't move to Oregon with BeckyJo! Just sayin.... She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Val uses umbrellas as rain collectors and disappears in the upside down virtual world.
* TM Tom uses golf tees to pick his teeth, clean his ears and shove it up his grandkids' noses to get their attention.
* TM Marie uses paper clips to pop locks and get into her yoga class clandestinely. Everything to become a serene yogi. Yeah, right.
* TM Pam's grown sons haul their drunk friends around in wheelbarrows, in a game of bar hopping USA.
* TM Chris removes the base from a lalique lamp and uses it as a hat at the Kentucky Derby on Easter Sunday, while trying to find an electric socket to light it up.
* TM Randolph's kids convert melon ballers into an ice cream scooper for dolls, a helicopter ride and other multifaceted uses - all within several minutes.
* DTM Mary Helen uses her gazillion trophies as mosquito collectors to drive away the possums and raccoons partying in her back yard.
* TM Jim G. uses the sands of time as an arcane celebration to move antique furniture.
* I, Ana, used fishing hooks to ensnare boyfriends, later husbands and exercise a catch and release program.
Then came prepared speeches...
* TM Pam was a captive audience to an unprepared, boring, incoherent public speaker.and signed him up for Toastmasters on the spot.
* I, Ana, recapped my life within 5 to 7 minutes and removed my virtual background to avoid disappearing like Val did. I Won Best Speaker Award.
Regarding evaluations....
* TM Tom praised TM Pam for her well organized, well crafted speech and recommended throat lozenges to avoid a raspy throat. He Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Randolph enjoyed my personal storytelling while wearing a scarf that for once matched my blouse.
The Word of the Day was
Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions; to bounce back.
EarlyBirds are resilient; we join on Thursdays from any corner of Panet Earth.
See you next week!
Resiliently submitted,
Ana I.
Resilient Recap Writer
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