Thursday, June 30, 2022

Yellow brick road, Volunteering and Impersonating - a graceful morning at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Aleta led us in Table Topics based on the counterclassic The Lizard of Roz...

We soon learned that...

* TM Val begins with the end in mind, ends with the beginning in the middle and pauses at the halfway intersection.  It's that simple!
* I, Ana, admitted that brainless people are very talkative and that includes me!
* TM Paolo's Italian/US commute hourglass is almost empty and he's facing the fork on the road - qui o la?  He's considering the road more or less traveled....By general consensus, he is not allowed to leave EarlyBirds.
* TM Randolph would turn back if it were him, and start up if it were him as well. What to do?  Decisions, decisions....
* TM Tom thinks we must face change even when our practical hearts get broken.  He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* DTM Mary Helen concluded that nothing is not useful to her but something is useful to her, thus creating a grammatical labyrinth.

Along came the prepared speeches from our resident Js...

* TM Jim G. led a kayuba (kayak + scuba) team in mangrove garbage pickup and was altruistically graceful in the after eco-party.
* DTM Jim D., as a 17-year-old,  impersonated Senior Management of large company DEARS by wearing a spiffy black suit while his Senior Managers in jeans rearranged the shelves.  He Won Best Speaker Award.

We had great evaluations...

* TM Tom got hypnotized by TM Jim G.'s easy, relaxed delivery and snapped out of the trance with a dash of vocal variety pepper.
* TM Chris was impressed that DTM Jim D. turned a dress code snafu into a lifetime career of turning clothing companies around.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.

Our Toastmaster of the Day, DTM Mary Helen, was the calm amidst the storm.  She gracefully thanked our outgoing officers for their outstanding service to the group:

President - TM Paolo
VP Education - DTM Kip
Sargeant-at-Arms - TM Randolph
Secretary - TM Tom
VP Public Relations - TM Chris
VP Membership - DTM Mary Helen
Treasurer - DTM Jim D.

and welcomed our new slate of officers, starting next week:
President - TM Randolph
VP Education - DTM Mary Helen
Sargeant-at-Arms - TM Marie
Secretary - TM Tom
VP Public Relations - TM Ana
VP Membership - DTM Mary Helen
Treasurer - DTM Jim D.

By unanimity, DTM Kip is our Emeritus VP of Education (Emeritus: former holder of an office, having retired but allowed to retain their title as an honor).

General Evaluator TM Pam thanked our Tech Guru, TM Jim G., for his outstanding support of the tech aspects of our meetings, providing audio visual aids and making it all seem effortless and fun.

The Word of the Day was
GRACE, noun or verb
1. simple elegance or refinement of movement.  Ex. She swam with effortless grace.
2. courteous goodwill. Ex. At least he has the grace to admit his debt to her.
do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one's presence. Ex.: She bowed out from the sport she has graced for 2 decades.

See you next week!

Ana I.
Recap Writer

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