Dear Members, Guests and Friends:
TM Chris started us off with pictures – which are worth 1,000 words…. We thus learned that…
- TM Jose likes cats that hang out to dry and used Jazmin the cat as a neckwarmer in frigid Montana in his college days.
- DTM Mary Helen was awed by the memorable rear view of Mt Rushmore:
- TM Lois was soooo excited that the python snake (?) in the picture was not 1,000 words. She’s happy to let science take over.
- Returning TM Jeff painfully recalled trying to learn stand up paddle boarding and looking more like a stand up comedian!
- TM Aleta called our Topic Master a stinker and gave a quick rendition of ‘dead skunk in the middle of the road’.
- TM BeckyJo reminisced about the day her father caught the Great Crustacean of the Keys and had the party to end all parties, where clothing was optional. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
We had fabulous prepared speeches….
- TM Jim G. reminded us that our first mentors and coaches are our own parents – his own Mom’s great breakfast-cooking skills are largely responsible for his happy 20-year marriage, and his Dad taught him perseverance and the ability to take the helm of any floating device – including aircraft carriers if necessary.
- TM Marie waved the flag of surrender, showed her vulnerability and asked for help, and was mentored by a wonderful woman who will be laid to rest this coming weekend, leaving an impressive legacy behind. She Won Best Speaker Award.
- DTM Kip has some sagacious strategies to increase his congregation’s Annual Pledge Drive – the main one is to talk to people about trivialities before hitting them up for money.
And regarding evaluations…
- TM Paolo enthusiastically praised TM Jim’s verbal melody and thanked him for taking us on a harmonious melody ride, and to please consider standing up and expanding his chest for better posture.
- TM Tom was entertained and informed by TM Marie’s speech and moved by the unexpected ending as a memorial to her beloved mentor/sponsor.
- Fundraiser TM Jeff totally feels DTM Kip’s pain and was so inspired by Kip’s new strategies that he may join the pledge without even knowing to which congregation. The power of a speech! He Won Best Evaluator Award.
The Word of the Day was
Having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement.
Ex.: The VP of Membership in EarlyBirds performs sagacious investigations to determine the whereabouts of meandering members.
Below is the link to the recording:
Link to recording
See you next week!
Ana I.
Sagacious Recrap Writer
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