Thursday, November 18, 2021

Commemorations, RV Debris and Winterizing - a morning of proclivity at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,


After inducting our newest member, TM Julie, I started us off on a journey of November commemorations.  We learned that….


  • TM Jim G. is not into football that much but he somehow manages to smuggle spicy guac in his otherwise spicy-free environs.
  • TM BeckyJo has a definite proclivity to get herself into pickles without even trying.   She is now getting a whole new landscape.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • TM Julie is defined by the sandwiches she eats but does not really care what goes in them – all the while she’s busy at the roulette.
  • TM Lois is happy that we still have that remnant of olden times,  “Young Readers’ Day”, and the hardest thing she ever has to do is find a book for a young ‘un.


As far as prepared speeches go….


  • TM Chris took us on RV Debris – The Sequel and artfully combined magnificent panoramic views with the Only-One-Person-Fits Kitchen, where she cooked more than the rest of her life combined.  Go figure.  Size really doesn’t matter!  She Won Best Speaker Award.
  • TM Aleta explained her Western Pennsylvania home winterizing where she uses a chainsaw to amputate words frozen in midair and prefers cold air leaks to Florida temperature, humidity and average age in the 80s (Fahrenheit).


We had some great evaluations…


  • TM Marie praised TM Chris for incorporating in her speech heartwarming daily RV life minutae with the magnificence of the Canadian rear view of Mount Rushmore.
  • TM Tom concluded that TM Aleta could never be a politician because she actually responds to audience questions with logical relevant answers.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.


The Word of the Day was



Natural disposition or tendency


For example:  EarlyBirds Club has a proclivity to be chuck-full of humorous members.


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


See you in 2 weeks.  Kip has hoarded 2 speaking slots for that day.  We’re looking for hecklers!


With irreverence and laughter,


Ana I.

Recap Writer

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Old proverbs, Thanksgiving, Negotiations and Leadership - a flexous morning at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,


TM Carmine started us off with some foreign proverbs.  We thus learned that….


  • Guest Brittany’s ego got bruised by the flexuous tree that got axed.  She’d rather be a potato!
  • TM Julie learned the hard way that you can’t count your chickens before the next-door predators snatch them before they hatch.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • TM Randolph got caught in a self-imposed flexuous loop of quickly slowly hastening delaying postponing impulsivity that created a collective dizzy spell.
  • TM BeckyJo talked about The Italian Game, one of the oldest Chess openings. Dating back to the the fifteenth century, the move was started by Italian players such as Damiano and Greco, hence its name ! ... As a consequence, a lot of lines in the Italian Games are made possible by this pressure on f7.  The King and the Pawn (ie all of us) end up in the dust at the end, Italian or not.
  • I, Ana, fondly reminisced about being a mouse with my teenaged daughters and throwing pool parties while The Cat (aka Hubby/Dad) was away on business.

In the prepared speeches…

  • TM Lois talked about a special Thanksgiving started by the Pequot natives, who planted corn, squash and beans, nuts and fruits.  For the main course, they shot deer, turkeys, and small game.  Thus, they designed the Thanksgiving menu back in 1621.  They invited the settlers who brought the marshmallows.
  • TM Julie pointed out that every time we engage in conversation, we’re really in negotiation mode.  Is it a game table? Or a garage sale table? Or the dinner table?  In the latter, it’s best to be collaborative if you want to save your marriage and eat dinner in peace. 
  • TM Marie practiced follow the leader behavior until her parents told her to stay away from bridges.  She is now reading Benedict’s Rule, which clearly states that to be worth following, you must drink Benedictine, a secret elixir / herbal liqueur produced in France by Benedictine monks while meditating.  It’s flavored with twenty-seven flowers, berries, herbs, roots, and spices – great for digestion! She Won Best Speaker Award. 


As far as evaluations….

  • TM Paolo praised TM Lois for following prior suggestions, accurately positioning the lights and reading the notes in a flexous manner while preparing her Thanksgiving feast.   He Won Best Evaluator Award.
  • TM Pam admired TM Julie’s neutral and nondistracting background and her good use of hands – a virtually elusive art for most of us – and suggested she pick one negotiation table for specificity, instead of depicting The History Of The World in one single poster.
  • DTM Kip pointed out that TM Marie made a big flexuous splash at the end of her speech and encouraged her to buy Teleprompter Pro.  I bought one on his recommendation, too.  Question to ponder at this point:   Is Kip on their payroll? Hmmmm…..


The Word of the Day was 


Having curves, turns or windings

Lithe or fluid in action or movement


Ex:  If only they had been Toastmasters,  The Beatles could have titled their song “The Long and Flexuous Road”….


Here is the link for today’s recording


See you next week!


Irreverently submitted,


Ana I.

Recap Writer

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Twisted Cliches, Age Whining and Of Being An Anchovy, an entertaining morning at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Friends and Guests:


We did not falter in the face of a morphing schedule, and I, Ana, started us off with some definitely twisted cliches….


  • TM BeckyJo revealed that she's had some serious dreamy time warps and likes to access EarlyBirds from the comfort of her natural habitat.
  • TM Aleta does not look gift unicorns in the mouth because their long protruding horn could cause irreparable indentations.
  • TM Lois compared the souffle crumbles to an unfaltering resolve to approach every day crumble-free.
  • TM Randolph urged everyone to let the confetti fall where it may, much like he does!
  • Guest Brittany has great fun engaging in worldwide zoomeranging.
  • TM Jim reminded us that after all, love is a battle between privates and corporals.
  • TM Carmine rejoiced in not faltering to jiffy his way through life, in spite of shrinking parts.  He Won Best Table Topics Award.


We had 2 excellent prepared and unprepared speeches….


  • TM Pam foresees the macabre day when the State of Florida (aka Heaven's waiting room) will renew her driver's license at age 102.
  • In unprepared topics, DTM Kip pictured himself as an anchovy schooling in a can and the Communist plot to revise the Coca Cola recipe which led him to Pepsi.  He Won Best Speaker Award.


As far as evaluations go….


  • TM Aleta praised TM Pam's ability to learn new tricks and her very clearly disdainful facial gestures as she recalls the motto:  no vax, no visit, no brainer.  She just got her 5th booster.
  • TM Chris praised DTM Kip's outstanding ability to be prepared to be funny and unprepared. It's all about eating the pizza slice pointing at him.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.


The Word of the Day was


FALTER, noun and verb


V: walk, talk unsteadily

N: the act of pausing uncertainly


Ex. When faced with smooth sailing, do not falter! Turn the boat engines on….    (Huh?? Whatever)


See you next week!


Ana I.

Recap Writer