Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
In a wildly unprecedented induction with a beguiling and elusive Breakout Room, we welcomed our very own Toastmaster Lois. Greetings, TM Lois!!
TM Carmine led us in Andy Rooney quotes for table topics. We then learned that….
- TM Pam compares love to those beguiling puppy eyes when you first meet, then 40 years later when you question your choice, and then 20 years after that when you rejoice in your choice, if only you could figure out who is that other person with the beguiling puppy eyes you’ve spent your life with.
- TM Jose, zooming in from Fort Lauderdale, stated that every child comes with a loaf of bread under their arm… until the age of 12, when they become beguiling demanding monsters, which led him to get a Bank of Dad Is Now Closed T-shirt that he wears on his roughest days. He Won Best Table Topics Award.
- TM Paolo informed us that sitting at the peak of the mountain is not only uncomfortable but also lonely. The climbing is more fun although then you must inevitably hike down from the pike.
- TM Lois stated that she definitely improves her look inexpensively with a smile; in fact, she always smiles – even when it hurts.
In the prepared speeches….
- TM Marie reminded us that optimistic people work more, while pessimistic people worry more and at the end, it all boils down to 2 questions: can I trust you? Do you care about me? Ah… therein lies the dilemma…. Until you find out, develop GRIT and look around with those beguiling puppy eyes….
- TM Jeff convinced me to implement new daily behaviors: From now, I will resist market dips and swings, work on my risk tolerance, study the regulations of FINRA and SEC, manage volatility, give up trying to outperform markets, remember that less friction yields better performance (also a good marriage formula) and will memorize the attached smart diversification prior to our next meeting. He Won Best Speaker Award.
And along came evaluations…
- TM Randolph posed a critical question to TM Marie: bullet points or pointed bullets? The answer indicates whether her hand gestures were adequate.
- TM Aleta praised TM Jeff’s sincerity and credibility; however, some of us are not astute financial foxes, so please break down your speech into at least 10 individual speeches to help us accept and embrace the collective wisdom. She Won Best Evaluator Award.
The Word of the Day was
Charming or enchanting, often in a deceptive way.
Example: Beguiling Samantha of the TV series “Bewitched” moved heaven and earth with a simple wiggle of her nose. Ah…. Life was so much simpler then!
Dates to Remember:
- Our Evaluation Contest will be held next Thursday, August 12, Breakout Rooms permitting. TM Lois will double up as Test Speaker and Icebreaker Speaker.
- The Humorous Speech Contest will be held on Thursday September 16 so Kip can explain us the hows and whys of the contest after returning from a 2-week visit to a Breakout Room.
See you next week!
Recap Writer
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