Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
To get us started on this Peak of the Week Thursday (TM Paolo’s original quote) I, TM Ana, introduced some quotes from funny people…
- TM Chris wondered how language originally developed from grunts, screams and identifying the source of our distress, to Berlitz School of International Language for Chronic Complainers. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
- DTM Jim D. reflected that life has up and down moments and escalators, it’s tit for tat, and to be both amazed and happy, we need to remove politicians and replace them with real people.
- TM Jim fondly recalled “Uncle Milty” and corroborated that when life gives you lemons, you need to build a door with a loud door knocker.
- TM Randolph, popularly known as “Hat Rack” for his multitasking (and multiparenting) capabilities, finds it challenging to slow down. Thanks for all you do for our Club, TM Randolph!
- Our other multiparental, TM Paolo, believes pain is gain at the gym and welcomes lessons at the University of Failure while sipping a café longo.
- TM Carmine appreciates Mark Twain’s political commentary stating that arrogant people, as their description attests, are really arrogant.
- TM Jeff and his fiancée are singlehandedly keeping the U.S. Post Office in business by stamping Thank You envelopes for events that haven’t even happened yet.
As far as prepared speeches are concerned…
- DTM Kip showed us TMI’s 10-point Matrix for attaining Distinguished President’s Club while going up the down staircase of life and marveled at his innate capacity to make a dull topic fascinating for the rest of us. Go Kip!!
- TM Aleta, heretofore to be known as “The Bardess of Avon, West Pennsylvania” regaled us with a tale of Three Diminutive Swine, the third of which hailed from the American Colonies and started the campaign “Made in the USA” long before wolves devoured bricks. She Won Best Speaker Award.
- DTM Mary Helen silently disagrees with TMI’s Communications Style survey. Notwithstanding the foregoing, she thinks and grows rich by tap dancing on the divine power of the Universe.
As far as Evaluations go…
- TM Chris praised DTM Kip for filling in the program voids, and bowed down in reverence. In an almost-unprecedented election sweep, She Won Best Evaluator Award.
- DTM Kip urged TM Aleta to take her Tale of Swine in Stratford-upon-Thames to the humorous contest, where she will be able to run around and act out. We, as a Club, need to match commercial TV if we’re to get anywhere in the TMI World of Contests.
- TM Jeff admires DTM Mary Helen’s contagious energy and enthusiasm and then he lost audio and left the rest to our imagination….
The Word of the Day was
The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation and to return kindness.
Example: Living by the Mamas and the Papas’ little ditty (wokefully modified) rather than a platitude, will elicit musical gratitude from our loved ones:
Words of love, soft and tender
Won't win a person’s heart anymore
If you love them then you must send them
Somewhere where they’ve never been before
Worn out phrases and longin' gazes
Won't get you where you want to go
Dates to remember: Sept 9, Club Humorous Contest. No breakout rooms required.
here's the link:
See you next week!
Ana I.
Recap Writer