Thursday, February 4, 2021

From the horse's mouth to the Andes to blurred backgrounds - a fun morning at EarlyBirds


On this frigid South Florida morning, TM Tom started us off with the most obscure idioms he could possibly find. We learned that….

  • I (TM Ana) live in a tropical igloo and I exercise being as cold as charity because I have cold hands and feet.
  • TM Carmine repeatedly stated “I am that I am” calm it strong which clearly proves that he has been reading Dr. Seuss again.
  • DTM Mary Helen believes where there’s muck there’s brass, although her sink is stainless steel but the muck is there in her dirty dishes.
  • TM Chris has lots of bright ideas while hubby Jim carries them out, which proves the devil is in the details. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • TM Jim is always right in carrying out a certain someone’s bright ideas to later be told he’s wrong, so he knows he simply errs on the right side. It’s comforting.

  • TM Marie ran out some of the clock with laughter (new Table Topics trick) and tells the circling vultures ‘not the dickie bird!’.

And then came the much-awaited Icebreaker….

TM Lorena told us about her breakneck-paced childhood in oxygen-deprived high altitude Quito and her move to the US at age 19, where she became free to breathe normally again at 13 ft above sea level. She Won Best Speaker Award.

And our second speaker was none other than one of the Club’s favorites…

TM Pam is sticking to her New Year’s Resolutions of recent-past-wearing Not Your Mother’s Jeans to presently-wearing Your Mother’s Jeans to imminently-wearing Your Daughter’s Jeans. The secret to success is in the LGOreos!! (pronounced Ligorious)

As far as evaluations went….

  • TM Jeff was impressed with TM Lorena’s icebreaker for its organization, conciseness, clarity of delivery, eloquence, purpose. Besides that, please tell us, did you like the speech, TM Jeff? He Won Best Evaluator Award.
  • TM Aleta confessed that TM Pam is one of her favorite speakers because the light bulb has to want to change if the therapist is going to be any good, and for the reminder that hope is not a plan and we must actively deter increasingly snug jeans.

Technical Tip: Use a blurred virtual background so your dishes can stay dirty indefinitely.

Moral of the Meeting: Avoid adverbs and put your punch into your verbs. We will all take this blurred message today with us wherever we go (from the kitchen to the living room, for most of us).

The Word of the Day was


(Origin: from the Latin Favoritus)

Preferred, favored

Example: All of us think we are a certain someone’s favorite. Hah.

See you next week!

Ana I.

Recap Writer

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