Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
TM Tom started us off with quaint expressions. We learned that…
- TM Marie will build dream catchers to catch evil spirits… just for the devil of it!
- DTM Mary Helen likes to take on a dare if given half a chance, or was it her evil twin who didn’t chicken out? We never know who’s who.
- TM Carmine thinks we are all pretty as a picture on the screen and marvels at the fact that our Timer (TM Jose) transcends space and time.
- TM Denis just threw out a bunch of old buckets this very week because they simply don’t hold water anymore.
- TM BeckyJo, like her mother did with her, asks her 150 foreign children “What part of No don’t you understand?” and in fact they don’t even understand the question because that’s why they’re foreigners. “Mirror mirror on the wall, I am my mother, after all”.
- I (Ana) and all the neighborhood dogs have picked up our ears at the piercing whistling of my husband’s old hearing aids. Thankfully he got himself a new pair. I Won Best Table Topics Award.
- TM Aleta pondered whether the inside track refers to planes, trains or automobiles, and after much pondering decided to stay on the inside track of Toastmasters.
As for the prepared speeches…
- TM Jeff gave us a history of his hometown Portland, CT, once the cradle of brownstone quarries but in more recent times, caved (no pun intended) to the advent of Portland Cement (which originates in the Isle of Portland, UK, not in Portland, Oregon, the latter being nothing more than palpable name plagiarizers of Portland, CT).
- TM Chris has discovered that the secret to success in blogging is not to repeat secrets, so listen carefully, she will only tell you once.
- DTM Kip said mentoring is the palpable dream of Toastmasters’ High Command and differs from New Member Orientation. The answer is that when the teacher is ready, the student appears. He Won Best Speaker Award.
And then we got to the evaluations….
- TM Carmine suggested more passion and vigor in TM Jeff’s fascinating tale of brownstone quarries and shipbuilding.
- DTM Jim D. was at a loss for words because TM Chris’s speech was a perfect oral blog and hence his evaluation skills were palpably superfluous.
- TM Joe thoroughly enjoys DTM Kip’s casual style delivery and will adopt Kip’s philosophy of total contempt for those who disagree with Kip. He Won Best Evaluator Award.
The Word of the Day was
PALPABLE, adjective
A feeling so intense it seems almost plausible
Able to be touched or felt.
The camaraderie among EarlyBirds this morning was palpable.
Our Tech Host, TM Jim G., informed us that poll voting is anonymous, so let’s not be bashful - we can unabashedly vote for ourselves!!
In honor of Halloween, next week is our SPOOKY meeting. Bring a spooky Table Topics, a spooky Speech, a spooky Evaluation. Dress up or be your usual self – anything goes. Seriously, let’s have some spooky fun!!!
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