Dear Members, Guests (yes, from Durban, South Africa and from Tokyo, Japan) and Friends,
TM Aleta did a fantabulous job as Contest Master and DTM Kip was our Chief Judge par excellence. Our Test speaker, TM Charu, delighted us with…
“Everyone Wins When Everyone Wears A Mask”, in which she persuaded us with power that the unshackled facts speak forcefully to uncover blood in the hands of those who don’t believe in the spaghetti monster. It turned out to be tomato sauce….
- TM Beckyjo praised the speaker’s gracious tongue-in-cheek and scrupulous bashing. She Won Runner Up Award.
- TM Jeff pointed out that it’s a blasphemous concept to not wear a mask, especially when eating spaguetti. He Won Third Place Award.
- TM Tom liked the analogy of carrots boosting the economy and the allure of the speaker’s dangling earrings while he wore a coordinated mask/tie ensemble.
- TM Marie encouraged the speaker to proclaim her truth with gusto and own her power. She Won First Place Award.
While ballots and hanging chads were counted and backroom schemes took place, DTM Kip led us in adventurous Table Topics:
- TM Denis competes with self, cooperates with others – and loves the DUSI Canoe Marathon, where he hauls his canoe over the shoulder across a mountain range…. (Note from Recap Writer: No comment….)
- TM Pam loves to be Chief Judge in a contest because she scrupulously takes bribes, especially the Fort Lauderdale Boat Parade, where her guests floated tiny boats on her swimming pool and won a prize for most lit boat or boat owner.
- TM Kei was attending his first contest and liked it so much that he’s now motivated to participate in DUSI Canoe Marathons with TM Denis.
- DTM Mary Helen relishes being assistant to DTM Kip in contests. She pointed out she won several contests with an -in her estimation- unfunny tale about her love affair/altercation with an ostrich.
- TM Annie has planned many contests and much prefers planning them than participating in them. Her mind is made up so let’s not shackle her with the facts. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
The Word of the Day is
SCRUPULOUS, adjective
Diligent, thorough, paying great attention to detail, having integrity.
See you next week!
Recap Writer
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