Thursday, November 21, 2024

Festive topics, Ships Ahoy and Herding Cats - a benevolent morning at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Marie launched us off with festive single or two-worded topics.

We soon discovered that....

* TM Roslyn likes people to experience joy and have a good time so she displays benevolence and hospitality all year round - but it can be somewhat taxing. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Pam explained that Columbus set the example for confusion and we are also confused when determining East from West and limiting Native Americans to one single stereotype when there's variety a-plenty
* I, Ana, had my mouth watering at the thought of all the food that is headed in my direction with all the festivities coming ahead - but hey, festivities are not a requirement.
* TM Terri has had a year of miracles in that she and her loved ones have shed several addictions, including overeating in front of guests and she has a lot for which to be thankful.
* TM Paolo's family is in transition mode back to the USA and they will miss the widespread festivities held with extended family in the home country but will make benevolence prevail. 

First-time Toastmaster of the Day Gail effectively and smoothly introduced us to the prepared speeches.  Good job Gail!

* TM Jim G. had us daydreaming of embarking on a residential cruise of undetermined duration and displayed nautical backgrounds and comparative charts to whet our appetities.  Good job!
* TM Aleta is undertaking domestication of her cat condo as she is a benevolent -albeit involuntary- condo commando of the feral HOA.  She Won Best Speaker Award.

After a bit of benevolent confusion, we came to our trusted evaluations...

* TM Pam has last been seen booking her tickets on a residential cruise ship to sail away in the voyage "Around the World in Undetermined Days" and praised TM Jim G.'s chart prowess.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Paolo praised TM Aleta's vocal variety when meaowing and body gestures when mimicking felines as she effectively used Toastmaster tools to describe her colony of ninjas with whiskers.

The Word of the Day was

A disposition to do good
Synonyms:  kindness, decency

Example:  The Police Benevolent Association will benevolently send you a car sticker when you use benevolence to make a donation to their union.


* There will be no meeting next week due to Thanksgiving.  Gobble, gobble!

* Table Topics Group Contest:  December 5
* Evaluations Group Contest:   December 12
* International Speech Group Contest:  January 9, 2025

Contest Master  Marie R.
Chief Judge: Pam S.
Timer:  Jim D.
Polls:  Pam S.

Here is the link to today's recording:

See you on December 5th!

Ana I.
Recap Writer

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Food topics, Family National Holidays and Forbidden Apples - a raddling morning at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

DTM Jim D. had us reminiscing about food memories....

* TM Gail loooooves ice cream, eats the small cups by the half dozen but for health purposes has restricted herself to ONLY vanilla.
* TM Aleta absolutely positively resolutely determinedly makes no food restriction New Year's resolutions.  She's nuts about chocolate... with nuts.
* TM Paolo has regressed from being a good cook to throwing together cold cuts and bread strictly under duress, the rest of the time he's just thankful for a loving good cook wife.
* I, Ana, had my unseasoned unsalted filet mignon blatantly stolen from my plate by a rogue canine during a family barbeque.  I was definitely not thankful!
* TM Chris' favorite restaurant is Cooper's Hawk, they have joined the Wine Club and have wonderful dining and wining experiences there.
* TM Jose almost ate chop snake salad during a business trip to Taiwan but, as often in his life, was saved by the snake's raddle.  He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Terrt can remember a few badly prepared marital meals but fortunately her ex is no longer around and her sons are both good cooks.

Regarding the prepared icebreakers we had today...

* TM Pam interwove (3) November holidays - Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving and her birthday into a tale of family gatherings, memories and reminiscens.  Happy Birthday Pam!
* TM Marie has spent most of her life trying to force outcomes with futility and no longer becomes raddled as she is now Laissez Faire Marie, letting events unfold as they will and cheerfully eating a crunchy unknowledgeable apple.  She Won Best Speaker Award.

As far as evaluations go...

* TM Jose praised TM Pam for her clarity, and her sighing technique and suggested she may add some hand gestures to her delivery.  
* TM Paolo hailed TM Marie's speech as a masterpiece and asked that she work on her right angle lighting and try Gala apples instead of Granny Smith's.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the DAy was

Broken down, worn
Confused, upset

Example: Grammar nerds were raddled by the spelling of what they thought was spelled rattled, which started being used in the 1900s versus raddled from the 1690s.  Raddled saves you having to mentally cross the t's.  

Here's the link to the recording

See you next week!

Ana I.
Raddled, Skedaddled and Befuddled
Recap Writer

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Random questions, Wuthering Heights and Panama Crossing - an intricate extricate EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests, and Friends,

I, Ana, started us off with random questions.  We realized that...

* TM Pam is on a strict vegetarian regimen building up to December 1 cookies, cake and ice cream  
* TM Marie is going to save, spend and mostly give away her $5 million - she wants to be charitable while having fun, fun, fun!... She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Jim G.'s favorite movie is a composite of Finding Nemo, The Graduate and Forrest Gump.  Life is certainly like a box of chocolates or salt-water taffies and sexy older women.
* TM Chris wants to be known for having a good time - she and TM Jim G. are big fish in a small pond - she's been seen signing autographs for thankful alumni.
* TM Jose is most thankful for our health, the group's health and his ability to fly across the pond and to other destinations to enjoy new adventures and visit family.

Regarding prepared speeches....

* I, Ana, recounted my woes as a bullied tall person growing up in the land of vertically-challenged people.
* TM Chris recently went kayaking and snorkeling amidst the locks, chambers, Lakes of the Panama Canal, with plenty of mimosas on hand.  She Won Best Speaker Award.

As far as evaluations go...

* TM Jim G. officially named me the group's resident giraffe and suggested I will end up in Hell... but surrounded by boys, boys, boys.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Pam asked TM Chris to please find a book (300 pages, tops) about snorkeling in the Panama Canal.

The Word of the Day was

To free or remove yourself from an entanglement or difficulty.

Example:  It is virtually impossible to extricate oneself from a submerged car.

The link for today's recording is

See you next week!

Ana I
Recap Extricator