Thursday, November 30, 2023

Table Topics Contest Fondest and Silver Linings - a plethoric euphoric day at EarlyBirds!


Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

An exciting Table Topics Contest at EarlyBirds brought a plethora of new perspectives.  Our beloved SAA, DTM Mary Helen, suffered a temporary bout of Psychosis Susceptibility Syndrome, but quickly recovered after a second cup of Java and getting those other voices to agree with her.
A couple of contestants experienced premature ejection from the Breakout Room but were nonetheless able to pretend innocence in front of the Judges. Hear ye! Hear ye! The Court's in session, the Court's in session- here comes the Judge! Here comes the Judge!  (First rap song by Shorty Long in 1968)
Our Contest Master, TM Aleta, and Chief Judge, TM Jim G., aided by his own SELF  and TM Chris as Tech Cohorts, got the contest under way.

The theme was "Now or Never" 
It's now or never
Come hold me tight
Kiss me my darlingw
Be mine tonight
Tomorrow will be too late
It's now or never
My love won't wait
Just like a willow
We would cry an ocean
If we lost true love
And sweet devotion
(sung to the tune of "It's Now Or Never", but I digress)...

We found out that 
* TM BeckyJo exercised her choice of Now or Never... and chose Never.  So there.  She Won Third Place Award.
* TM Marie waxed philosophical about "Regrets - I've had a few... but then again... too few too mention..."  (sung to the tune of My Way by Ol' Blue Eyes). She Won First Place Award.
* TM Jose declared that he is NOW, unequivocally, going to an Asian restaurant for lunch, smack in the middle of the Mediterranean Paradise known as Javea, Spain.
* I, Ana, definitely choose NEVER to engage in thrilling sports such as paragliding, jumping our of airplanes and the like.  Videomatography is where it's at for me.
* DTM Jim D. is laser-focused on travel, travel, travel after retirement.  The time is NOW!
* TM The Tom is a man of action and will take action to be involved in action-packed adventures for the duration of the next coffee break.
* TM Paolo will jump at the chance to do now that which can otherwise never be done.  The decision to move to Italy?  Wait for the Sequel Speech in a few more years.  He Won Second Place Award.

And along came our prepared speech by our newest Toastmaster, Terri M.  Based on a true story...

* After breaking a leg in the mountains of New Mexico, she made it home to Miami where an array of friends, neighbors, sons, acquaintances, bakers, butchers, grocers and strangers equipped her, transported her, fed her, entertained her and made sure she never missed her daily "CORTADITO" (Cuban Cafe Con Leche, which resuscitates the dead, according to Calle Ocho lore).  She Won Best Speaker Award (as well as new member fastest  to hop on the Pathways track).

* She was evaluated by TM Marie, who thoroughly enjoyed Terri's  motivational speech and has already signed up for a Cuban Cantina (weekly meal plan) to be delivered right to her door, including CORTADITO.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was


A large or excess amount of something.

Example: Some EarlyBird members joyfully take on a plethora of roles for the successful completion of the agenda.

Here's the link to the recording: 

See you next week!

Ana I.
Recap Writer

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Fallonette Thankyous, Together We Stand and a Tree-a-thon, a non-profligate morning at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Marie rocketed us into a grateful state of mind with topics for thank yous.  We realized that...

* TM The Tom preferred GE, made-in-the-USA lightbulbs but then China took over and he must change lightbulbs profligately.
* TM Jim G. went from novice to connoisseur of microbrewery beers thanks to a Brit friend who turned him on to the Funky Buddha.  He Won Best Table topics Award.
* Guest Millie waxed poetic about the pronouns of roses in this woke day and age.
* DTM Jim D. leaves Christmas decorations up to his other half, although in her absence he admitted that she sometimes goes a little profligate.
* TM Ricardo is thankful to even be alive, what with all the chaos and turmoil going on in oh so many fronts, but he still likes to be gifted strange, exotic chocolates.
* TM Aleta avoids profligation by avoiding FaceNook, a humongous time sucker if there was ever one.  It's about avoiding people we know but wish we didn't.
* TM Terri has learned to navigate through pesky Pop-Up Ads and has un-profligately learned the basics of Pathways.  Go Terri!

Along came our prepared speeches and we were in for 2 treats...

* TM Jose brought us up to date with the Current Chaos and Confusion proliferating in Spain thanks to a selfish, power-hungry, corrupt individual who is allied with soon-to-be-amnestied criminals and seccessionists.   The population has taken to the streets to demand a unified democratic Spain.  Together We Stand! is the motto, but corruption has penetrated the 3 branches of government and the outcome looks bleak.  *Note:  Breaking News:  The corrupt Pedro Sanchez has just been officially 'crowned'  as ongoing Dictatorial Ruler of Spain.  God help them!
* TM Pam's direct communication style almost caused a heart attack and several syncopes, which required a citrus-infused air diffuser to revive them. In order to reduce casualties, Pam has since changed her communication style from direct to semi-direct.    She Won Best Speaker Award.

As far as evaluations...

* TM Paolo praised TM Jose for his excellent narration skills sprinkled with humor and educational content.  He suggested reducing the history slides and increasing the pictures of protests with Spaniards eating paella while draped in the Spanish flag and being tear gassed by police.  He Won Best Evaluation Award.
* TM Terri loooved the Tree-A-Thon informative speech about her beloved state of Citrus Florida.  Up to now, she always thought Mangoes were the Florida Indigenous Fruit - who knew?

The Word of the Day was

PROFLIGATE, adjective

Spending money or using something wastefully and not wisely.

Example:  We EarlyBirds avoid being profligate by measuring and timing our words and our fillers.  Yes sireeee!

Dates to Remember:


Table Topics Club Contest:  November 30
Evaluation and International Speech Contest:  January 18 and January 25

Note for newer members:  International Speech contest consists of a (usually) motivational speech.  It does not mean the topic has to be international.  It simply means that the winner will go on to compete at Area, District, up the Toastmasters Ladder, till they reach the International Contest with members from everywhere.  Methinks.....

Here is the link to today's recording...

See you on November 30!  

Ana I.
Recap Writer

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Generators, Canal Cruises and Cliches - no siree, no inertia for EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Terri started us off with a beautiful Invocation in the Christian tradition.

TM Aleta juggled our morning inertia by starting us on loose but interwoven topics. We soon discovered that...

* TM Jose is still waiting for the governmental subsidy for solar batteries for power outages.  Keep those candles handy!
* I, Ana, saw my generator-acquisition husband transform from an idiot to a visionary in a matter of 24 hours before Wilma.
* TM Terri chickened out from getting a generator because many generator owners in South Florida end up six feet under from the emanations.
* TM Marie, essential employee, became even more essential during Wilma with the help of  handsome and essential military guys who gave her essential assistance.
* DTM Jim got a complete generator... right after Wilma.  That's why he's honing his timing skills in Toastmasters very often.
* TM Aleta has a generator in SW Pennsylvania but doesn't use it because she sleeps best in dark, quiet and secluded environments, while ignoring the falling 100-ft trees!
* TM Tom looks at the moon and the stars in awe and wonder while everyone frets during hurricanes.  He Won Best Table Topic Award.

Then we had 2 prepared speeches...

* TM Ricardo streamlined his Cruise de Midi speech, eliminated verbiage and added a map which helped us sail through 30 of the 64 locks in the canal.  Good job Ricardo!
* I, Ana, reviewed a few gazillion cliches and touched on some malaphors (wrong blend of cliches) - not to be confused with malapropism (wrong usage of a word or term).  Too many chefs in too many pies!  I Won Best Speaker Award.

As far as evaluations go....

* TM Paolo sailed the Midi Cruise himself "All Aboard"  "All Aboard" with Captain Ricardo.  Good inertia in motion!   He Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM The Tom enjoyed my speech but suggested I use Spanish cliches next time so I can roll the rrrrrs as I pronounce them.  That's his favorite!

The Word of the Day was

To do nothing or remain unchanged

Example:  I lean forward in the car by inertia when the brakes are applied suddenly.  

Here's the link to the recording:

See you next week!

Ana I.
Recap Writer

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Fwd: Great topics, Google in London, Part I and Part II - no phubbing at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Friends and Guests,

TM Tom started us off with a deep, heartfelt invocation.

TM Jose got us thinking with great Table Topics.  As we soon learned...

* TM Marie spends her day playing with Silly Putty to improve her mobility and to be able to do The Camino.
* DTM Jim D. forces himself to be inquisitive because his friends who are not end up 6 ft under after a year of retirement.
* TM Aleta agreed that yes, yes, yes, she lies without even saying a word and will spend the rest of today thinking about it.
* TM BeckyJo stated unequivocally that WHEN IS TUESDAY, the day of action, come ready to go, Monday is a slump, Wednesday is a hump, Thursday is the peak, Friday is weekend anticipation.  The rest is phubbing, no more, no less. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* I, Ana, smile about a lot of things because I'm gifted with finding the humor in the absurdities of daily life.
* TM Pam would like high schoolers to read anything as we are facing a completely illiterate next generation.  What was she talking about anyway???
* TM Terri dons a Thanksgiving-themed orange leg cast, an orange knee scooter, lounges like Cleopatra and wears orange garbage bags to shower. That's different for sure!

Along came the impromptu prepared speeches - thank you, Geeks, for bailing us out today!

* TM Chris, PES (Product Expert Summiter) introduced us to a real-life Siri.  Now we're waiting to meet Alexa for Seniors, who responds to any similar name - Adessa, Annetta, Coretta, Axeta, Loretta, Alphonsa.  She Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Jim G., London Tour Guide par excellence, toured us through Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens and its tenants, pubs that served gringos haddock and french fries, and took us on the London Eye with a champagne flute while reciting Churchill quotes. Quintessential London!!

As far as evaluations are concerned...

* TM Randolph is signing up, as we speak, to become a Product Expert for LonCroogle and take the hop-on hop-off bus wherever the next summit is.
* TM Pam praised TM Jim G. for his calm demeanor while missing the wild parties at the summit.  Raise the vocal passion or join Madame Tussaud's!!  She Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Tom evaluated TM Pam's evaluation and sincerely commended her for not phubbing the audience during the rendition.

The Word of the Day was

Ignoring who you're with and giving your undivided attention to your phone.

Example:  Phubbing has become an art form for the masses.  To think Iphones did not even exist 15 years ago!!

Here is a link to the recording:

Here is a link to the Geeks' summit photos:

See you next week, phubbers!

Ana I.
Recap Writer