Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
TM Pam had us consider what we would do if we won a billion dollar in the lottery. We found out that...
* TM Aleta has never been motivated by money but heck, she's now running to the store to buy a ticket, just in case...
* TM Chris won the lottery the day she was born to a loving, caring mother who taught her everything there is to know and more!
* TM Val is stopped by nothing in doing what she wants - learning, serving, inquiring. Quilting, line dancing, writing - Zoom is the way to go! She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Tom is masterful at shortcuts although time and again he's shown that they don't work. He is opening a Lost & Found Department in his own home.
* TM Randolph would definitely share 8 Million Pounds Sterling with a British gentleman but his motto, like Buddha's, is "trust but verify".
* I, Ana, have no idea how financing the government with the lottery works, except I know such financing would get corrupted, just like everything the government touches. My motto for the day is "accentuate the negative".
And then came the prepared speeches...
* TM Marie demonstrated a mind-blowing bubbles excercise that alters our Hippocampus (the name of a Madrid discotheque in the 70s), and Amygdala so that children end up with less gray matter and finally start behaving.
* DTM Jim Day used lotsa wine, roses, chocolates, ice cream and countless cruises to build an Extended Stay Man Cave in 7 years. He Won Best Speaker Award.
As far as evaluations go....
* TM Chris accentuated TM Marie's impeccable multi-tech-tasking in one meeting, mission accomplished! She Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Randolph is starting to build himself a man cave and has hired DTM Jim D. as his general contractor.
First-time AH Counter TM Val caught all AH and UM offenders and reported them. As a first-time JokeMaster, she taught us how to break traffic laws and get away with it. Good job, TM Val!
Tech Tip of the Day: TM Chris showed us how to move the gallery view from one side to the other when screen sharing is taking place, how to eliminate the gallery view altogether or how to just leave the speaker in plain sight.
The Word of the Day was
1. make more noticeable or prominent
2. focus attention on
3. call attention to
Example: In the midst of turbulence, it's wise to be a contrarian and accentuate peace.
Here's the link to the recording:
See you next week!
Ana I.
Recap Writer